LEAF, Inc. Leadership Coaching

It has never been more important than it is today to support our school leaders. The challenges leaders face today are more complex than ever and leaders are facing unprecedented issues in an ever-changing environment. In response, LEAF, Inc. has created a Leadership Coaching program to support school leaders.  Learn more. . . 

About This Section . . .

LEAF, Inc. provides high quality professional learning to support the development of superintendents and school district leadership team members.

LEAF, Inc. Board of Directors

Established in 2006, the Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. (LEAF, Inc.) is a 501 (c)3 organization that serves as the professional development arm of the New York State Council of School Superintendents. LEAF, Inc. provides high quality professional learning to support the development of superintendents and their leadership teams. LEAF's programs are research-based, aligned to the needs of the field, responsive to changing expectations for school leaders and cost-effective.

The mission of LEAF, Inc. is to be the premier organization offering comprehensive professional development to ensure the success of educational leaders and the students they serve through opportunities that are excellent in quality, pertinent in focus, and readily accessible to all.


  • Professional Development - Provide professional development to school leaders and district leadership teams by offering opportunities that are responsive to changes in expectations, timely, relevant, and affordable.
  • Communication - Expand the knowledge of superintendents, assistant superintendents and district leadership team members about LEAF's professional development offerings by effectively marketing opportunities to superintendents, assistant superintendents, and district leadership team members.
  • Technology - Use technology to operate more effectively as an organization and provide greater professional development opportunities to superintendents, assistant superintendents, and district leadership team members.
  • Governance - The LEAF Board of Directors will continually review the organizational structure of the Foundation to ensure that they are operating effectively and providing the highest quality programs and services to school leaders.
  • Fiscal Wellness - The LEAF Board of Directors will develop a LEAF fiscal wellness plan to ensure fiscal health and sustainability. 

Board Members

David O'Rourke, President / District Superintendent, Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES

Twitter: @David_ORourke 

Lynn Allen, Treasurer / Deputy Superintendent, Putnam-Northern Westchester BOCES

Twitter: @LynnAllenEdD

Jason Andrews, Superintendent, Windsor CSD


Dale Breault, District Superintendent, Franklin-Essex-Hamilton BOCES

Twitter: @DaleBreault  

Luvelle Brown, Superintendent, Ithaca City Schools

Twitter: @luvelleb

Barbara Case, Superintendent, Spencer Van-Etten CSD

Twitter:  @BarbaraJCase

Rebecca Dunckel, Lowville Academy & CSD

Jerry Griffin, Superintendent, Potsdam CSD

Twitter: @jerrygriffin23

Phyllis Harrington, Superintendent, Oceanside UFSD

   Twitter: @oceansidesupt

Lisa Krueger, Superintendent, West Seneca CSD

Twitter: @lisakrueger320

Kevin McGowan, Superintendent, Brighton CSD

Twitter:   @KCMgowan

Laura Seinfeld, Dean, Long Island University College of Education, Information & Technology

    Twitter: @LauraSSeinfeld

Mark Stratton, Superintendent, Corinth CSD

Twitter: @CorinthSuper

Charles Dedrick, Ex Officio Member / Executive Director, NYSCOSS

Twitter: @csdedrick

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.
7 Elk Street, Third Floor
Albany, NY 12207

T:  518.449.1063
F:  518.426.2229  

LEAF, Inc. Board of Directors

LEAF, Inc. Subscription Service for Professional Learning

LEAF, Inc., in partnership with WestEd, provides the LEAF Subscription Service for Professional Learning which includes six electronic issues throughout the year that focus on topics to assist school leaders and educators with school improvement initiatives.

The cost of the annual subscription service that runs from October to August is $295. To start your subscription, contact Melanie Seiden, Associate Director for Membership at 518.694.4877 or email melanie@nyscoss.org
LEAF, Inc. Subscription Service
The Future Superintendents Academy requires a year-long commitment, beginning in August 2025 and concluding May 2026. 
If you are an educational leader with a strong interest in pursuing a superintendency in New York State we encourage you to apply. 
Click HERE  to download the 2025-2026 Future Superintendents Academy Brochure and On-line Application Instructions.
2025-26 FSA Brochure

Winter Institute & Lobby Day

The Council through our foundation LEAF, Inc. supports members by providing exceptional opportunities to expand and enrich their expertise and knowledge in the area of educational administration through statewide annual events. The Winter Institute offers keynote addresses by national experts in the fields of leadership, education, advocacy and related areas; opportunities for members to share best practices with colleagues through smaller sessions; an interactive discussion with the Commissioner of Education about New York State issues and initiatives; and networking for support and collegiality among members through social interaction, group discussions, meetings and workshops. The event also hosts an exhibit hall where companies, associations, organizations and foundations can connect with school leaders from across New York State.

2025 Winter Institute & Lobby Day
Expanding the Horizon:
The Promise of Public Education

March 2-4, 2025
Albany Capital Center
Albany, NY
Thanks to Title Sponsor Utica National Insurance Group!

In an era of unprecedented challenges and unparalleled opportunities, the 2025 Winter Institute & Lobby Day: Expanding the Horizon:  The Promise of Public Education stands as a beacon of hope and innovation for school superintendents and administrators. This captivating event promises to ignite a transformative dialogue, as we come together to explore the frontiers of public education and unveil the boundless potential that lies within for kids. 

Sunday Opening Keynote
Leadership Language:  Playing the Long Game in Each Moment

Eliza VanCort

Sunday, March 2, 2025
2:45 - 4:30 p.m.
Sponsored by Partner Energia

Eliza is an author, facilitator, speaker, podcaster and survivor.

She is a student of both the performing arts and political science, a Cornell University Fellow, a bestselling author, a viral TED speaker, one of the top acting coaches in New York, and as a thought leader has over 275,000 social media followers. She is also a sought-after EQ Expert, an expert communication strategist and trainer who helps others stand tall in the challenging world we live in.

Eliza’s #1 Bestselling book, A Woman’s Guide to Claiming Space: Stand Tall. Raise Your Voice. Be Heard, is a transformative, intersectional tome that inspires women while enlightening men. She has appeared on many interview shows, podcasts, and in the media. Success Magazine recently included her in their “Women of Influence’’ edition.

Eliza’s passion is teaching people concrete, actionable strategies which help them achieve their goals professionally, and in every aspect of their lives. Join us at the Sunday Opening Keynote to hear from Eliza as she touches on topics such as persuasive communication, leadership presence, rethinking networking, and more!

Call for Proposals

Our Education Session Call for Proposals portal for the 2025 Winter Institute & Lobby Day is now closed. Final proposal submissions were due Monday, November 25, 2024. Final submission notices will be sent on January 10, 2025.

Attendee Registration
Registration and housing selections are now open for attendees. Strategic Partners should contact deidre@nyscoss.org for registration details, exhibiting and housing access.

Learn more about the  2025 Winter Institute & Lobby Day by reviewing our event website and agenda.  

Save the Date for Future Events  

  • 2025 Fall Leadership Summit
    September 28 - 30, 2025 
    Saratoga Hilton & Saratoga Springs City Center
    Saratoga Springs, NY

  • 2026 Winter Institute & Lobby Day
    March 1 - 3, 2026
    Albany Capital Center
    Albany, NY

  • 2026 Fall Leadership Summit
    September 27 - 29, 2026
    Saratoga Hilton & Saratoga Springs City Center
    Saratoga Springs, NY

  • 2027 Winter Institute & Lobby Day
    March 7 - 9, 2027
    Albany Capital Center
    Albany, NY

  • 2027 Fall Leadership Summit
    September 26 - 28, 2027
    Saratoga Hilton & Saratoga Springs City Center
    Saratoga Springs, NY

  • 2028 Winter Institute & Lobby Day
    March 5 - 7, 2028
    Albany Capital Center
    Albany, NY
The Council is committed to providing experiences and environments that are welcoming, inviting and user-friendly for all attendees. We recognize that some individuals may required specific accommodations to ensure their full and equal participation in our Winter Institute. Please contact us at 518.449.1063 should you need assistance. 

Winter Institute

Blueprint Strategic Planning Service

Practical, Focused, Collaborative, Meaningful. A simplified process that will help your organization get to where you want to be.

The Blueprint for Excellence© Strategic Planning Service is a straightforward strategic planning process that includes all members of the school community and reflects their shared perspectives. Throughout the process, community feedback and data are reviewed in order to guide all aspects of work in the organization with a focus on increasing student learning and improving stakeholder engagement.

We focus on helping school leaders identify opportunities for growth and then develop practical and specific strategies to continuously improve. This is a step-by-step process facilitated with and for the superintendent. Each step in the process is developed, prepared or facilitated on behalf of the district. The Superintendent works as a partner to provide input and direction but then all materials are created for the district and provided for distribution. Instead of being a burden, this process will help the work of the district to become streamlined and focused. 2024-25 Blueprint Strategic Planning Service Brochure.

2024-25 Blueprint Strategic Planning Service Fees

A typical Blueprint Strategic Planning Service process can be completed in a month or over a longer period of time, depending on district need. All on-site (2.5 days) and off-site work (2.5 days), expenses, materials and administrative fees are a total of $16,500*. This includes the consultant being available for up to 5 hours for remote consultation/coaching with the district). An administrative fee of 10% will be billed in addition to the fees above. *Additional time may be purchased.  The Blueprint for Excellence© Strategic Planning Service is BOCES aidable. 

About the Program Directors

Dr. Kevin McGowan is the Superintendent of Brighton CSD, a suburban district located in Monroe County, NY. Dr. McGowan joined the district in 2009 following his superintendency in  Warsaw CSD. He has also served as an elementary principal, high school assistant principal and elementary teacher. Throughout his work in each position, Dr. McGowan has focused on high quality systems that provide consistency, accountability and a focus on meeting the needs of all learners. 

Dr. McGowan is an adjunct professor at both the University of Rochester, Warner School of Education and SUNY Oswego in the Superintendent's Development Program. He is the President of the Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation and a Past-President of the New York State Council of School Superintendents. 
Dr. Jason Andrews
is the Superintendent of the Windsor Central Schools, a position he has held since 2005 and was named the NYS Superintendent of the Year in 2019. He has served as a high school teacher, coach, co-curricular advisor and middle school principal. As superintendent, he has focused on systemic implementation of Professional Learning Communities as the vehicle to ensure student learning and a culture of continuous improvement.

Dr. Andrews is an adjunct professor at both SUNY Oswego in the Superintendent's Development Program, and at the Graduate School of Education at Binghamton University. He serves as the Vice President of the New York State Council of School Superintendents, on the Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation's Board of Directors, the National Center for Educational Research and Technology National Board and is a charter member of the Institute for Innovation.

Questions? Email blueprint@nyscoss.org for more information.

Blueprint Strategic Planning Service

Fall Leadership Summit

The Council through our foundation LEAF, Inc. supports members by providing exceptional opportunities to expand and enrich their expertise and knowledge in the area of educational administration through statewide annual events. The Fall Leadership Summit offers keynote addresses by national experts in the fields of leadership, education and related areas; opportunities for members to share best practices with colleagues through smaller sessions; an interactive discussion with the Commissioner of Education about New York State issues and initiatives; and networking for support and collegiality among members through social interaction, group discussions, meetings and workshops. The event also hosts an exhibit hall where companies, associations, organizations and foundations can connect with school leaders from across New York State. If you are planning your calendars, make sure to add these important dates:

2024 Fall Leadership Summit 

September 22-24, 2024  
Saratoga Hilton & Saratoga Springs City Center
Saratoga Springs, NY

Thank you for celebrating with us at our Fall Leadership Summit Public Education: The Pathway to Everywhere where we focused on the idea that a high-quality public education is the key to any pathway a child chooses for their life.

At the Opening Sunday Keynote, imagine walking into a room buzzing with energy, nearly 1,300 education leaders, strategic partners, legislators, NYSED staff and invited guests gathered for the biggest NYSCOSS Fall Leadership Summit yet. If you were there, you know. If you weren’t, here’s what you missed!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Monday, September 23, 2024

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A big shoutout to Mosaic Associates Architects, the title sponsor, for making it all possible. Their support allows NYSCOSS to continue bringing together educators and leaders for these transformative events.

Call for Proposal

Our Education Session Call for Proposal  will open for the 2025 Winter Institute in November 2024. Proposal submissions will be vetted by our Conference Committee. Partners may submit a proposal and must have selected select this option as part of their 2024-2025 contract.

Save the Date for Future Events

  • 2025 Winter Institute & Lobby Day
    Expanding the Horizon - The Promise of Public Education
    March 2 - 4, 2025
    Albany Capital Center
    Albany, NY
  • 2025 Fall Leadership Summit
    September 28 - 30, 2025 
    Saratoga Hilton & Saratoga Springs City Center
    Saratoga Springs, NY

  • 2026 Winter Institute & Lobby Day
    March 1 - 3, 2026
    Albany Capital Center
    Albany, NY

  • 2026 Fall Leadership Summit
    September 27 - 29, 2026
    Saratoga Hilton & Saratoga Springs City Center
    Saratoga Springs, NY

  • 2027 Winter Institute & Lobby Day
    March 7 - 9, 2027
    Albany Capital Center
    Albany, NY
  • 2027 Fall Leadership Summit
    September 26 - 28, 2027
    Saratoga Hilton & Saratoga Springs City Center
    Saratoga Springs, NY

  • 2028 Winter Institute & Lobby Day
    March 5 - 7, 2028

    Albany Capital Center
    Albany, NY

The Council is committed to providing experiences and environments that are welcoming, inviting and user-friendly for all attendees. We recognize that some individuals may required specific accommodations to ensure their full and equal participation in our Fall Leadership Summits. Please contact us at 518.449.1063 should you need assistance. 

Fall Leadership Summit

LEAF, Inc. Programs

Cabinet-Level Programs

LEAF, Inc. strives to find new ways to support today's education leaders and tomorrow's future superintendents. This work is led by the Cabinet Planning committee to gauge the current needs of the field. Cabinet-level programs provide assistant superintendents, principals and directors with a supportive learning community to network and participate in customized opportunities for professional growth. We offer aspiring superintendents workshops, the Future Superintendents Academy, Cabinet Institutes and the annual Cabinet Leadership Summit, to name a few. Learn More. . .

New Superintendents Institute

As a new superintendent stepping into the role of educational leadership, the journey ahead may seem both exhilarating and
daunting. However, with the support and guidance of the New York State Council of School Superintendents (NYSCOSS), its professional
development foundation LEAF Inc., and colleagues around the state, your transition can be a smooth and empowering experience.

 Learn More . . .

Early Career Superintendents

The Early Career Superintendents Institute is specifically designed by and for superintendents in their early years of the superintendency. Featured topics are chosen by participants annually. The program offers practical advice from veteran superintendents and experts in the field and provides time to reflect on professional practice. Sessions are offered as pre-conference events prior to the Fall Leadership Summit and Winter Institute. Learn More . . .

Diversity & Inclusivity Events

The Commission on Diversity & Inclusivity is committed to cultivating diversity among superintendents and to support efforts by school districts to provide diverse and equitable communities. LEAF, Inc. holds various professional learning opportunities focused on diversity including regional workshops, webinars, conference presentations and customized professional learning opportunities. Learn More . . .

Women's Initiative Events

The goal of The Women's Initiative is to support women leaders, identify women in education who have leadership potential and help those who aspire to leadership roles. In education, the teacher workforce is made up of over 77% women, yet in the superintendency that number is about 27%. We strive to support and cultivate leadership potential of women in their organizations. Through this initiative, we provide opportunities for women and men to learn the importance of increasing the numbers of women in leadership. We encourage creating supportive networks for personal and professional growth. Learn More . . .

Financial Leadership Series

The Financial Leadership Series for School Superintendents and their leadership teams is offered throughout the year and focuses on long-range and strategic planning, budget development and communications, capital projects, and state aid. Learn More...